Monday, August 27, 2007

Lamson Tube Edition

Sawyer: "Look Doc, all I'm sayin' is, if DHARMA coulda read your handwriting on that prescription, maybe the suppositories they sent wouldn't be this big."

Sawyer: What is it Doc?
Jack: It's pictures of us with some sort of captions written alongside. Hey these guys are good; Back Gammon, Mingo,Lionartist,Geoff and a bunch of others.

Ok Dude, act innocent....they don't know this pile of thermoses is one of your stashes. Just act cool....they didn't see the pile of matching lunchboxes....just act surprised and don't make eye cool.....they'll just think it's the Others, they do a lot of weird stuff.

Jack reading his fortune: You will meet with a big surprise.
Hurley: You gotta say "in bed" at the end.

Jack reading notebook: "'I have been observing the doctor from the crash...he seems to cry a lot...' wtf? I don't cry a lot!"
Hurley: "Dude, you really do..."
Kate: "You do cry a lot Jack..."
Sawyer: "You give Meryl Streep a run for her money there, doc."

I'm sick of reading these "report violation" reports............we've got real problems to deal with!!

Jack: "It says "Dear Mr. Abrams, thank you for your submission. But we are not accepting any scripts at this time. Especially not scripts about strange occurances on an island in the south Pacific". It's signed, "Rupert Murdock". What could that mean?"

According to this map, the big pile of tubes with papers in them should be 108 paces ahead. Kate, get up, we're almost there!

Jack: This one says, "HELP! I'm being held captive on this island in a perfectly lovely community with air conditioning, running water, a game room and a book club, but I want to go home to my sister!!!!!"
Sawyer: Yeah, right.
Kate: She's probably a b!tch.
Hurley: Hey, think there are any Apollo bars in these?

Sawyer: Let's grab Michael and build a tube raft

Sawyer: No, don't open the tubes!
Kate: There's a piece of paper in each one, and they each have a word or two on them.
Sawyer: Don't read them!
Kate: Stay Puft ... Dr. Quinn ... Captain Arab ... Mr. Clean ...
Hurley: Dude, those are the nicknames you've been calling us! Someone's sending them to you!
Sawyer: You didn't really think I came up with them on my own, did you, over ... weight ... man?

Jack: These are all filled with naked pictures of your mom Sawyer.
Sawyer: WHAT????
Hurley: Dude........that's messed up.

Jack: It's another one about who is in the coffin.
Sawyer: Son of a bitch.

Jack: It's all the deleted L.O.S.T threads.
Sawyer: Now do you see who we're up against?

Jack (reading): "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It says that over and over again?
Hurley: "Whoever it is, they must know you!"

Jack: Dear Santa, I've been very good this year. I want a new dolly and a skateboard for my brother.
Hmm, so this is where the post offices send all those letters.

Hurley: Any Mr. Cluck's in any of these tubes?

Jack: It says here on my cable bill ~service fee~, I mean it's on here twice...what exactly is a "service fee" anyways?
Sawyer: You know that crappy tv remote they give ya? where half the buttons don't work? Well it means they're charging you rent every month for it.

Kate: I can't believe it..............all these freakin' tubes say "Sorry, try again". I never win anything!
Hurley: Consider yourself lucky........
Sawyer: Freckles, even if you win, how you gonna collect? They ain't bringing you a free coffee all the way out here.

Sawyer: Looks like this island need to have it's tubes tied.
Hurley: Tubular dude!

Jack: "I wonder why Dharma felt the need to drop ship all these tubes of vagisil out here?
Sawyer: "Why do you find it so hard to believe they'd do that?"
Jack: "Why do find it so easy?!?!?!?"

Hurley: And all along I thought the Others recycled.

Jack: So this is where all the lost checks at the bank are.

Hurley: One of these has to have a dollar in it!

Kate: hee-hee-ha, we're all wearing backpacks...what are the odds?

kate-they used these at the bank i robbed.
jack-what? why can't i meet a normal girl


JACK,," Dear Damon and Carlton,,,Why doesn't Hurley lose any weight?..How come Kate is always dirty? What is up with Sawyer always being a d i c k? And whats up with Jacks tat? .."..

Jack: It says, "Dear Mr. Shephard, we need to speak to you immediately about your unpaid loan. According to our records, you have been out of medical school for 8 years and have yet to make a single payment. Please contact us immediately to settle this account. Sincerely, Sallie Mae."
Sawyer: Son of a b!tch.
Kate: How in the hell did you find you on an island that can't be detected?
Hurley: Dude, I would offer to help you out, but apparently I can't trust you to pay me back either.

Jack: These are the suggestions fans wrote in.
Sawyer: We can't read all of them! Pick one at random, Freckles.
Kate: Stop airing reruns.
Hurley: We can do that. Just go nine months without airing any episodes at all. What does the next one say?
Kate: Explain Jack's tattoos.

Sawyer: "Alright, Jack. You're the doctor. Why does Kate keep pooping out these tubes?"
Hurley: "Aww, dude, I just stepped in one."

Jack: What did you find, Kate?
Kate: Nothing, just a series of tubes.
Hurley: Dude, didn't you know that some senator said the internet is a series of tubes? We found the internet!
Sawyer: Well, what are you waiting for? Send this senator's office an internet. Unless someone's downloading ten movies, it should get there by Friday!

Kate: (laughing hysterically) Tubes! Tubes! I found them and they're ALL MINE!!! Ah hahahahaha! All mine, I tell ya....
Hurley: But I shared the food with least let me open one.
Sawyer: Come on, Freckles, give the dude a tube.
Kate: What'll you give me for it, Hurley? And no, not a ride in a net........
Jack: (cries) (What else?)

if you are reading this note, you may be standing in the middle of the largest pile of plastic rabbit poooo left here by the world's largest blow-up bunny.... congratulations! grab the shovel and start digging!

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