Tuesday, August 28, 2007

French Translation Edition

Shannon: What does C A T spell?

Shannon (thinking to herself): "I can't believe it. Whenever all my other boyfriends said they wanted to do homework together, it meant they wanted to make out. But this guy ACTUALLY wants to do homework"

Shannon..lets see..uumm...Un Pingouin...penguin,,i think...and aaa,,un kangourou..aaa.. geezz..oh! Kangaroo!..and aaaa..et un pre'tre..ooh..aaaa,, uumm..a priest!!.. yea a priest!!!...marchez dans un cafe'..marchez dans un cafe"..waa..waalk in ..to ..aaa uum cafe!
..A penguin, a Kangaroo and a priest walk into a bar,,,
Sayid.." Yes ! Yes! Go On Go on!"

"Wow, these Dharma Initiative Entrance Exams are tough."

Sayid: Now remember Shannon, this has to be completely confidential!
Shannon: Yes, I realize that Sayid. Our safety would certainly be in danger if the truth got out!
Sayid: Okay, which threads are going today? Being the moderators for the General Board IS sure a difficult job.

Not even being stuck on a deserted island can stop these soduko fanatics.

The Losties had been on the island for soooo long it was necessary to create a planning department.
Sayid's paper: Your proposal for a tent expansion has been denied. Pelase refer to section 42a, which states no tent shall interfer with beach accessability and beach views of established tents in the camp.

Sayid..." Not so fast Shannon.. make sure I got that rite,,How,,do,, you,,keep,,,a,,, blonde,,busy"

Sayid: Say, Shannon, what's another word for pirate treasure?
Shannon: Um, booty?

Geico $250.00
Progressive $200.00
AIG $195.00
Shannon thinking: Why doesn't Hurley review his own stupid Dharma van insurance quotes!
Sayid thinking: Hurley promised I could use the Dharma van to take Shannon parking if I helped him with these insurance quotes.

Sayid.." psst Shannon...do you think any one will wonder where we got fresh pencils from?
Shannon.." not only the pencils,, but Sharpened Pencils!,,shhh. just act like nothings abnormal..no one will notice.."

Shannon: "What? Over $200 for "Soul Glo"? We can't keep this up.
Sayid: "And $250 for peticures. Perhaps you could cut back to once a month?

shannon: i think he likes me... i mean really likes me in a likes likes me sort of way... he is kinda cute and he does have nice eyes... i guess anything would be better that that queer little step brother of mine or that old geezer who eats rats... maybe he'll ask me to the dance this friday down by the bamboo grove... maybe he'll kiss me and we'll fall in love and have lots of island babies...
sayid: she's skinny but i'd do her...

Shannon..." Le cheval de Locke n'a pas eu un mouvement d'entrailles..I.. I have no idea what that means Sayid.."
Sayid.." I suspect Locke is rite in the middle of all this.."

Shannon: Sayid, did you just give me a map that leads to the zipper on your pants?
Sayid: Indeed, I did. I have something I would like you to do, so I thought I'd draw you a map. I got the idea from Henry Gale and Anna Lucia.
Shannon: Henry Gale and Anna Lucia? Who are they?
Sayid: We haven't met them yet, but they'll both be around in a few months time.
Shannon: Wait a minute. If we haven't met them, how did you get the map idea from them?
Sayid: I saw it in a flash forward.
Shannon: Flash forward? I thought we only had flash backs?
Sayid: No, no, you stupid harlot. Flash backs are so yesterday. Flash forwards are all the rage now, pretty soon we'll all be having them.
Shannon: I'm confused.
Sayid: Yes, I'm sure you are. Here, follow this map to my zipper and you will find the answers you seek.
Shannon: Well, OK, if you say so.
Sayid: (thinking) I love this island.

Sayid: Can you read this? What does it say?
Shannon: To whom it may concern, we are survivors of Flight 815. We have survived on this island for 80 days. There's also some Scottish guy who was not on the plane. He claims he has lived through this before, and says he knows I'm going to die. But I don't believe him. There's no such thing as time travel, right?

Shannon: I can't believe what this says!
Sayid: What does it say?
Shannon: Snape just told Harry--
Sayid: No! I don't want to hear any Harry Potter spoilers! Let me enjoy the book without knowing what will happen!

Shannon: Oh....my gawd. You get your tank tops at the same store I do.

Shannon: Sayid, this is just a map of the holes you're going to dig. And why is this one labeled with my name?
Sayid: Please, focus on translating.
Shannon: You did get that tank top at the same store I did..the one in Paris. You lyer...you've been in France.
Sayid: Time to dig your hole.

Sayid: According to my calculations, the distance from the pirate treasure at location X squared + Y squared, take the square root of that and divide it by iteration time over a period of 16 years, means that I shall be finding Shannon's booty by approximately supper time tonight....
Shannon: Um, did you just say something?
Sayid: Just keep translating.

Sayid attempts to build a humanoid with leftover body parts and electronics from the crash. Blonde and beautiful, his creation only lacks a left arm and brain.

Sayiede: And what does that look like to you?
Shannon, looking at ink blot: An Arabic man and a blond bimbo playing patty cake.
Sayiede: Mmmmm

Shannon to Sayid: Are you sure we still have to do taxes?

Sayid: Hmmm, what do you think Shannon? should we allow them to say a $ $ or is that too risque'?
Shannon: no a$$ is fine. But if they EVER say "Mods are clods" again...

Shannon: at least you're a better tutor thn Jack. He used to wipe his tears before he handed me the sheet.

Huh, my horoscope says I'm going to be in a hole soon.
Funny, so does mine.

Sayid: Look Shannon, if you ever want to get ahead in life, you need a college education. You know that Dharma U. only accepts the best students, so just keep studying for your ACTs.
Shannon: Whatever.

The last show I was on, we had to memorize our lines. It's so much easier when they let us read them!

Shannon: the electrical jargon for this radio is just so damn confusing . . .
Sayid: that's because you're reading the spanish side

Shanon: whats this? Oh, Kama sutra.....
Sayid: it's upside down
Shanon: (turns upside down) Kinky!

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