Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mudcake Edition

What can brown do for you?


Kate: Hey Juliet, what do you do if Smokey eats you?
Juliet: Run around real fast until you're all p00ped out.


I told Locke not to throw ex-lax at smokey.


..Sorry Julie.. this is All Sawyer's Fault!!!..he coulda called this Island..Flower Petal Island..or Strawberry's and Whip Cream Island,, or Maple Syryp Island, but no..he went and called it.......

Kate: "...told you this was better than the Volcanic Dust Mask at Spa Mandalay..."

Kate--Can you explain to me why we are both completely covered in mud yet our handcuffs are still shiney?
Juliet--Jack likes me better than you.


Juliet: "We need to get out of these wet, dirty clothes."
Mech lights a cigarette. "Go on."


Mud Cakes Fan Recipe:

Roll 2 women in mud
Add a catfight
Stir in some shirtless Soya
Whip up a way to make Desmond's clothes fly off
Peel off Sun's top
Switch time to 9 P.M. adults-only time slot

Drop clues by baby-spoonfuls, toss in 8 new mysteries per episode and allow time for fans to stew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, that's a great picture.