Sunday, May 6, 2007

Jinja the Ninja

Jin once beat Chuck Norris in a round house contest
In an unrelated story, Chuck Norris caused Oceanic 815 to crash.

Jin once took a vacation to the Virgin Islands.
They are now The Islands.

Jin: Take that, Fence Fry man!
(Kudus to Daddio for coming up with the nickname "Fence Fry Man." )

Jin: Since you refuse to use the Dahrma White strips... let me just help you with your offensive brown smile by kicking your teeth out!

"Hello Ben, it's me Mikile. I gave up fencing and am giving karate a go."

Mikhail: What?

Sure I enjoyed watching Kate and Juliet mud wrestle, but how was I supposed to know that they would want to watch us do this in return?

Jin: Mikhail? Mikhail Baryshinikov? What do you get if you cross a computer with a ballet dancer? The Netcracker suite!
Mikhail, to himself: I thought he was going to tell that awful joke about what you call the outfit of a ballerina with one leg . . .

Jin: Who needs Bernard? I can take care of that toothache right now!
Mikhail: It wath the other thide Jin!

The big problem with Super Sperm is that they made my "walnuts" turn into "coconuts", so now I have to walk like this.

Island makes sperm 5 time stronger! Shouldn’t Patchy be pregnant from that kick?

Jin--'I learned this on 'Expose'--Razzle Dazzle!!!'

Jin: Subtitle this!

Patchy's favorite oldies tune:

Jin Kwon was a fisherman's son
And when his daddy would visit he'd come along
When they gathered around and started talkin'
That's when Jin would take me walkin'
Out through the back yard he'd start stompin'
Then he'd kick me in the eyes
Lord knows, to my surprise

The only one who could ever beat me
Was the son of a fisherman
The only boy who could ever mistreat me
Was the son of a fisherman
Yes he was, he was, ooh, yes he was

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