Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Short Bits 2

Previously on Lost...

jack: Hey man, you hittin that?

Jack: "Lemmie guess... one of you is pregnant???"

Jack: OK HURLEY, Enough is ENOUGH! That is NOT what I look like when I cry.

Jack: I told you two, not to drink the Diet Coke after eating the Mentos. Now you're both going to assplode and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

Jack: There. You're free.
Claire: Thank God!
Hurley: Dude, I thought that, like, only happened to dogs.

Jin-Rummy Edition
*jin tries to explain what happened with gestures*
SAWYER: they blindfolded you and made you play a game of "pin the tail on the drunken master"?

Jin: Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don't go into yours, you don't go into mine. You gotta hold the frame. Now. Let's cha-cha.

Sawyer - I'll wait until they bring us some fanny wipes. Thanks, though.

Shaw-Shan Redemption Edition

Sawyer: Thinking
This move used to work on all the chicks at the movie theater. You've still got it Sawyer! She's checkin out your muscles!
Shannon: Thinking
God I need a manicure.

Shannon: Nope, my abs are definitely harder than you biceps...
Sawyer: That's because plastic is harder than flesh, Barbie...

"No, I've never heard of a position called 'The Noisy Tree Frog' before."

SAWYER: you're on my stick, sticks
SHANNON: um... sticksticks? what's that?
SAWYER: stick comma sticks!

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